Özel Çankaya Yaşam Hastanesi
Birlik Mahallesi Şehit Kurbani Akboğa Sokak (Eski 4.cadde) No:26 Ankara / Çankaya / Turkey
- Biography
- Career
- Gallery
- Treatment & Diseases
- Contracted Institutions
- Certificates & Awards
- Comments
- Addresses
- Questions
Henüz eklenmiş bir üyelik bilgisi bulunmamaktadır.
Selçuk Üniversitesi
1992 - 1998
Educational Information
There is no work experience information for this doctor yet.
Özel Yüzüncüyıl Hastanesi
Acil Servis Doktoru
2016 - 2016
Van Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesi
Acil Servis Doktoru
2002 - 2004
Van Erciş Devlet Hastanesi
Acil Servis Doktoru
1998 - 2002
Diseases Treated
There is no treated disease added for this doctor yet.
Treatment Methods/Services
There is no treatment method added for this doctor yet.
There is no picture of this doctor added in this language yet.
Henüz bu doktora ait bu dilde eklenmiş bir video bulunmamaktadır.
Contracted Institutions
There is no contracted institution added for this doctor yet.
Certificates & Awards
There is no certificate & award added for this doctor yet.
Özel Çankaya Yaşam Hastanesi
Birlik Mahallesi Şehit Kurbani Akboğa Sokak (Eski 4.cadde) No:26 Ankara / Çankaya / Turkey
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Dr. Bekir Yücel
Emergency Department
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