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Özel Ahu Hastanesi
Year of Foundation: 1993
Number of Employees: 50-100 Kişi
Telephone: 0 252 417 77 77


Cosmetic dentistry, teeth bleaching, gingiva periodontology, surgical treatment, implant, dental treatment and endodontics, prothesis and child mouth/tooth health treatments are performed in our hospital’s Dentistry Policlinic.

Dental Surgery
Impacted tooth distraction, implant, apicoectomy, tooth extraction, alveolitis treatment are performed.

Teeth Bleaching Wıth Laser
Office type teeth bleaching system is used for White and healthy teeth in our hospital. It is performed as a single session which lasts 40-50 minutes by a dentist in the clinic. The devices used in the operation provide us to take a rapid solution by activating bleaching gel’s features.
Scorpion Dental Optıma Vıtalmetre
It provides the opportunity to detect if the pulpa is still living or not (tooth root). It is important for planning and diagnosis of the problem. It cannot be used for those having a pace maker. Vitalometre is as much important as like a röntgen device for a dentist. It is so easy like sond and used practically.

Apex Locate
Apex measurement (detection of the length of tooth root canal) is a significant success criteria in canal operation. Detection of the length of the root canal is performed without röntgen.

It is a method used for disinfecting and treating the inner surface of the canal and gingiva with the help of electric current and special medicines.

Areas Of Usage;
Dentin and Kole Sensitivity
Efficient Canal
Tempora-Mandibular point of junction disease
Dental oriented Inflammatory Diseases
Sensitivity after
Krone Preparation
Kole sensitivity after Detartrage

Dıode Laser
Areas of usage of laser working with 630-670 nm red light are so wide. It has tissue regeneration (renewing), analgesic (pain killer), antiinflammatory (reducing inflammation) effects. Laser energy provokes the stimulation of regeneration process actively. Treatment fields; prothesis dents, aphtha, herpes labialis, traumas in mouth mucosa, root infection through gingiva, extraction area infection after tooth extraction, trigeminus neuralgia, neuritis, temporomandibular joint disorder and aches, jaw breaks, apses, treatment of recovery of tissue after implant operation and stopping the pain.


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