General Surgery
Routine Polyclinic services - general surgery outpatient clinic
Routine emergency services and emergency surgical operations - emergency operations, traumas.
Surgical operations - digestive system surgery (stomach, small and large intestine diseases - ulcers, cancers etc.) liver and biliary tract surgery - open and laparoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic pouch surgeries
Thyroid Surgery.
Hernia surgeries - traditional and laparoscopic surgeries of anterior abdominal wall hernias (recurrent hernias of the anterior abdominal wall and inguinal hernias)
Open and laparoscopic surgeries of stomach and intraabdominal hernias - reflux surgery
Breast diseases and surgical treatments.
Endoscopy and coloproctology unit
- Upper digestive system video-endoscopy (esophagogastroduodenoscopy)
- Video - colonoscopy and video - colonoscopic treatments.
- Rectosigmoidoscopy.
Proctological - surgical treatments of anorectal diseases
- Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids)
- Fissur (crack)
- Pilonidal sinus (ingrown hair)
- Current and modern treatments of surgery and diseases of the anal and perianal area.
Out - patient applications - minor surgical interventions.
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