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Özel Reyap Hastanesi
Year of Foundation: 2011
Number of Employees: 50-100 Kişi
Telephone: 0 850 473 77 77
Pediatric Health And Diseases

The department of pediatric health and diseases provides health care services in three units: outpatient clinic, inpatient service, and newborn room.
In our hospital, which serves children between the ages of 0-16, screening studies for the health of newborns are carefully carried out and the first hours after birth are followed carefully. Besides, diagnosis and treatment of children up to the age of 16 are offered by modern devices while the parent accompanies their child.
Reyap Hospital is a “baby-friendly” and “child-friendly” hospital because it allows parents to participate in the diagnosis and treatment of their children’s diseases.

In our pediatric health and diseases outpatient clinic, the physical and mental development of children between the ages of 0-16 is evaluated, diagnosed, and treated. Childhood vaccinations are administered following the schedule.
The polyclinic waiting room and rooms are arranged to ensure that children are examined in the comfort and safety of being in a friendly environment.
Also, all employees take care to act appropriately to child psychology.
A nursing room of sufficient width and equipment for pregnant mothers to breastfeed and a children’s playground for children to play have been established.
Our patients can choose the doctor that examines their child if they want to.

Inpatient service
With the awareness that hospitalization for children is also trauma, we try not to separate the children from their parents as much as we can.
Physicians evaluate their patients at least twice a day.
Each attempt is made by informing the family of the patient and getting approval from them.

Newborn baby room
We comply with all the rules of being a baby-friendly hospital.
A pediatrician is present in all deliveries in our hospital and performs the first intervention/examination of the baby.
In the days following the birth, the pediatrician, together with the nurses, makes it easier for the mother and baby to spend these delicate and tiring days.
The complete blood count is measured routinely in terms of jaundice.
Blood samples are taken from each baby to control hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria.
All babies are screened for a hearing test when they come to the first examination.
Temporary problems that can be seen in the first hours after birth are usually resolved in the baby’s room.
In case of problems, our 25-bed neonatal intensive care unit is at your service 24/7.
Our pediatric health and diseases specialists are here to provide health care service until midnight.


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