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Özel Reyap Hastanesi
Year of Foundation: 2011
Number of Employees: 50-100 Kişi
Telephone: 0 850 473 77 77
Gynecology And Obstetrics

The department of gynecology and obstetrics is a specialty concentrated on women’s health and the female reproductive system.
The gynecology and obstetrics department focuses on a wide range of issues, including diseases that affect women, pregnancy and childbirth, menstruation, and fertility issues, sexually transmitted infections (STDs), hormone disorders, and others.
In the department of gynecology and obstetrics, many operations can be performed laparoscopically (open surgery) or hysteroscopically (closed surgery) in addition to conventional surgeries. In our department, all conventional and modern treatments related to gynecology and obstetrics are applied.

Common gynecology applications are:
Smear test
HPV typing, HPV vaccine
Abnormal smear management and follow-up
Laparoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic hysterectomy,
In addition to these areas, the following services are provided especially during the healthy and risky pregnancy monitoring and delivery phase;
Multifetal reduction
Traditional infertility treatments
IVF (In vitro fertilization)
Surgical sperm search (PESA, TESE)
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Gynecological endocrinology is another specialty where high patient satisfaction is achieved with the diagnosis of menopause, and hormone disorders treatments, medication, surgery, and follow-ups if necessary.

When should you visit the gynecology and obstetrics department?
From the age of 15, it is beneficial to visit the gynecology department once a year for control. Also, a woman should visit this department whenever she is concerned about symptoms such as pelvic, vulvar, and vaginal pain or abnormal bleeding from the uterus.
Conditions commonly treated by gynecologists include:
Problems with pregnancy, fertility, menstruation, and menopause
Family planning, including birth control, sterilization, and termination of pregnancy (abortion)
Problems with tissues that support pelvic organs, including ligaments and muscles
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Urine and fecal incontinence
Benign tumors of the reproductive system
Premalignant conditions such as endometrial hyperplasia and cervical dysplasia
Reproductive system, breast cancers, and pregnancy-related tumors
Congenital abnormalities of the reproductive system
Endometriosis (a chronic condition that affects the reproductive system)
Pelvic inflammatory diseases, including abscesses
Sexual dysfunction
Genital aesthetics


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