Pediactric Surgery
A child is not a little copy of an adult. Children have unique anatomic, physiological, metabolic and physiological characteristics. These characteristics greatly influence diagnosis-treatment approaches and surgical interventions to be made for children. Moreover, even the same disease is managed using very diverse modalities in children and adults. Therefore, the children should be operated on by surgeons, who are educated on diagnosis and treatment of pediatric diseases, namely pediatric surgeons
Even if very minor surgeries are not properly performed in children, very severe complications are likely to occur. Pediatric surgery is a field of science that has developed to meet these requirements. This branch of medicine deals with diagnosis and management of congenital and acquired diseases in children that begin in the intrauterine life and persist to the end of adolescence.
In our Pediatrics Surgery Clinic, congenital and acquired diseases are successfully managed in the light of actual and scientific facts for children ranging in age from 1 day to 16 years.
Most of the surgeries performed in our clinic do not require a hospital admission and children can be discharged on the same day. Children stay in single rooms together with their mothers and relatives, if hospitalized. Neonates undergoing surgical treatment due to congenital conditions are monitored and treated by pediatricians and neonatal intensive care nurses at neonatal intensive care unit in both pre-and post-operative periods.
It is used for diagnosis and treatment of urinary system diseases. (Neurogenic bladder, spina bifida, voiding disorders)
It is used for diagnosis of constipation, fecal incontinence and congenital anal anomalies.
It is used for diagnosis and treatment of diseases of stomach, small intestine and colon. In pediatric patients, imaging studies and surgical procedures are done for esophagus, stomach, small intestine and the entire colon.
After prenatal diagnosis is made, family is informed about the course of action and following procedures in post-natal period.
Common disorders, mostly congenital, for neonates (from birth to the first 30 days of life) are as follows:
Esophageal atresia, congenital and developmental anomalies of lungs leading to respiratory distress in children, diaphragmatic hernia, intestines into the chest cavity. Omphalocele and gastroschisis (extra-abdominal location of bowel secondary to atresia of abdominal wall). Congenital Intestinal Obstruction, anal atresia, congenital absence of rectum. Cysti hygroma, large cystic nodules/tumors in head&neck region, congenital aganglionic megacolon, absence or lack of nerves in distal segment of colon that prevents children from passing stools. Renal, urinary tract and urinary bladder disorders that can be identified in pre-natal or post-natal period. Every type of tumor in neonatal period, neonatal circumcision
In urogenital system diseases in children, Pediatric Surgeons, Pediatric Nephrologists, Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine Specialists examine children and their test results. After treatment is planned, endoscopic, laparoscopic and open surgery interventions are carried out by Pediatric Surgery Clinic.
Hydronephrosis, hydroureteronephrosis, congenital urethral strictures, vesico-urethral reflux ( retrograde flow of urine from the bladder into the ureter, bladder dysfunctions, voiding disorders, urinary incontinence, penile anomalies, An abnormal direction of urine flow from the underside of the penis, (hypospadias), Epispadias, Penile curvature, Labored urination, revision of circumcision
Surgical Diseases of Inguinal Region
Undescended testis
Inguinal hernia
Torsion of testis
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of every kind of diseases resulting from intraabdominal organs are included.
Pediatricians and Pediatric Gastroenterologists closely cooperate with each other.
All the means of the modern medicine are successfully applied in surgical treatment for this group of diseases, including endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery.
Congenital anomalies of digestive system in which signs appear late.
Stricture of esophagus, secondary to caustic and corrosive materials
Stricture of esophagus in children, secondary to foreign body ingestion
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Appendicitis, which is manifested by abdominal pain, should be considered for every child and can be harder to diagnose and results in further problem in younger children
Intestinal obstructions
Intestinal or gastric bleeding
Constipation or fecal incontinence
Hepatobiliary diseases
Treatment of Hepatobiliary diseases and congenital or acquired surgical diseases is done.
Cysts, abscess and tumors of liver
Congenital atresia, cystic dilatation or bile stone of bile ducts
Surgical diseases of pancreas
Cysts, sinuses, mass lesions, torticollis and enlarged lymph nodes in head&neck region
Thyroid diseases (goiter, cyst and tumors)
Congenital and acquired lung diseases
Congenital chest wall deformities, like pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum
Abscess and empyema secondary to pulmonary infections
Foreign body in respiratory tract
Emergencies like pneumothorax ( presence of air in the pleural cavity) and hemothorax ( presence of blood in the pleural space)
Trauma, traffic accident, fall and burn in children
Female reproductive system and genital diseases
Labial fusion or genital region adhesion in girls.
Imperforate hymen
Ovarian torsion
Ovarian cyst
Disorders of sex development, ambiguous genitalia
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