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Özel Medivia Hospital Hastanesi
Year of Foundation: 2001
Number of Employees: 50-100 Kişi
Telephone: 0 850 222 03 73
Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery

Surgical diseases of newborn baby:

Congenital absence of esophagus or other abnormalities
Developmental abnormalities of the lung, cysts
Diaphragm seals
Congenital abnormalities related to the small intestine (obstruction, stenosis, etc.)
Abdominal wall abnormalities
Congenital absence or other abnormalities of the anus

Head and neck surgery:
Neck curvature(torticollis), recurrent painful or pain-free swelling in the neck, congenital cysts and sinuses
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of your neck.)
Abscess and other surgical conditions

Surgical diseases related to the lungs and respiratory system:

Lung cysts
Congenital abnormalities of the chest wall (shoemaker breast, chicken breast etc.)
Surgical problems of the respiratory tract
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Respiratory tract foreign bodies
Conditions such as air or fluid collection in the chest cavity (pneumothorax, hemothorax, emphysema, etc.).
Surgical Diseases of Digestive System

Birth borne (esophagus) congenital abnormalities (atresia, stenosis, fistula, etc.)
Foreign food congestion
Food borne diseases related to burning substance
Gastric diseases (ulcers, etc.)
Stomach obstruction and obstruction (pyloric stenosis etc.)
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER)
Surgical problems of the intestines (polyps etc.)
Fissured cracks and hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids)
Liver cyst, abscess and tumors
Diseases of bile ducts
Surgical diseases of the pancreas
Spleen cysts and other surgical diseases
Coronary hernia
Inguinal hernias, hydrocel

Kidney and urinary tract infections

Congenital abnormalities of urinary tract (narrowness, enlargement, bladder abnormalities, etc.)
Urinary incontinence
Urinary tract stones
Vesicoureteral reflux (leakage of urine from the bladder back to the urether)
Opening of the urinary tract at the bottom or top of the male children (hypospadias, epispadias)
Undescended testicular (male child's ovaries are not in the bag)
Inflammatory conditions such as epididiomorchitis (inflammation of the testis), balanitis-postitis (inflammation of the skin of the sun)
Testis torsion
Acute scrotum (surgery or inflammatory conditions in the ovary bag)
Over cysts in girls, torsion
Hymen is closed and abnormalities of the external genital structure
Treatment of Circumcision and Circumcision Complications

Childhood Cancer and Other Tumor Diseases
Soft tissue tumors
Lymph nodes
Tumors of the digestive system
Kidney and adrenal gland tumors
Liver tumors
Ovarian, testicular tumors
Nerve tissue tumors


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